10,000 cases and counting I noticed just before new year that a new patient I was assessing was the ten thousandth case since the clinic moved to a computerised notes system in 2010. I looked back to case 1 and low and behold case 10,000 and case number 1 were both...
50:40:10 principle
The three facts of life that govern your health. Every day I get asked by a patient if their injury was as a result of something they did or was it a build up of problems. No matter what illness or injury you're dealing with there are 3 things that determine...
Sports Massage Special Offer
Sports Massage 3 for 2! For a limited time only we are offering 3 for the price of 2 on Sports Massage at Spinal Physio with our Sports Massage Therapist Sam Hills. Sam is a Level 5 Soft Tissue Therapist with a BSc (Hons) in Sports and Exercise Science. He...
Get ahead of the new years resolutions
Will next year be any different? So it's coming up to Christmas. For some (probably most) it's a time of indulgence. Christmas parties, Christmas dinners, Chocolate, Alcohol and every excuse under the frosty sky to stay inside and sit on the sofa. The new year...
Do you have a high pain threshold?
Pain is an essential part of life. We are all going to experience it and we all have our own unique relationship with pain. Do you have a high pain threshold or a low pain threshold or is there even such a thing? We've all heard the clichés. Women have a higher pain...
It’s just wear & tear – right???
Most of us have heard this phrase either directly from a doctor trying to explain your problem or from someone you know who says "yeah, it's just a bit of wear and tear". But what does this mean. Is it accurate, is it a good thing or a bad thing and does it mean...
Take the pain out of travelling
It's holiday season and that time of year when those of us lucky enough to be able to go on holiday swap the commute to work or the school run for a drive to the airport or a road trip. Travelling can be a real pain but the simple tips below might just take some of...
What is Core Stability anyway?
Most of you will have heard about core stability or core muscles or core training but do you actually know what it means, why it's important and how you achieve core stability? Core V Global There are essentially 2 muscles groups in the body, the core muscles...
10 Super Simple Exercises Everyone Should Know
As the days start off darker and the nights have become longer we naturally start to feel like hibernating and can easily get lethargic. It's important however to fight the urge to do nothing. There is no one size fits all exercise routine but here are 10 simple...
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