Following the prime ministers announcement on the 31st of October of a national lockdown from the 5th of November until the 2nd of December 2020 we can confirm that medical appointments are still permitted including Physiotherapy. The government are actively...
Do you know what your pain is trying to tell you?
Pain is there to guide us, to warn us, to make us pay attention so we can learn from the past and help us predict and prepare for the future but sometimes, many times, we don’t pay attention to the signs. Let’s take dehydration for example. The first sign of...
Lessons in lockdown – Pressure
Over the last few months it has become evident to me that many of us are starting to struggle with the effects of the current pandemic on our lifestyle and wellbeing. About now most of us would be taking a break. A change of scene can be good for the soul and allow us...
Lessons in lockdown
As certain restrictions are eased and we start anticipating what life might be like over the coming months we've had a chance to analyse the impact of lockdown on the injury profiles we've been dealing with throughout this period. Typically as a clinic we deal with...
Covid-19 Face to face appointments
Following the governments update on the 10th of May and new guidelines from The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy we can offer face to face consultations if deemed appropriate. In all cases a video consultation must be carried out in the first instance to establish...
Buckets of wine
Here’s a question that’s bound to come up during a course of treatment. Why is it that sometimes I do something and it doesn’t hurt and I think I’m getting better and then I do the same thing again and it hurts. Have I re-injured myself? Am I getting worse? In very...
Staying sharp during lockdown
We are now into our 4th week of lockdown and everyone is coming to terms with the new normal. There are challenges but there are also many positives. The weather has been great so we've been able to get some much needed sunshine to boost Vitamin D levels and encourage...
What to expect from an online consultation
It is most likely that it will be some time before we will be able to offer a normal face to face physiotherapy service but that doesn't mean you can't access our help and expertise. So what can you expect from a remote consultation? Here's how it works. Subjective...
Online consultations & clinic appointments
We are being asked if it's still ok to attend for appointments and what happens if you want advice but are self isolating. The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy have informed us that it is currently still ok to remain open and treat patients as normal while following...
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