Supplements - Is there any evidence? Increasingly nowadays I am being asked if there are any foods or supplements that would help a patients recovery from injury or in managing pain. There is a lot of noise out there but here is a brief summary of the things that...
Stress, Back Pain & The House of Health
You got through Christmas and by now you are probably back in your usual routine. This might also mean a whole host of new years resolutions, a reinvigorated will to make this year better than the last. There's lots of talk at present about gratitude and being...
Christmas availability
It's business as usual for all physios from now until the 23rd of December and Kevin will also be running a clinic on the morning of Christmas eve. The clinic is then closed until the 2nd of January. If you would like to book in before the celebrations begin, you can...
What future will you choose?
We're getting towards the end of the year and soon the gyms and streets will be awash with people keen to get fit. This is the year they are going to do it, they tell themselves, and there will be plenty of huffing and puffing going on out there come 2020....
How to sit properly at your desk
Sixty Seven percent of people in Briton spend 20 hours a day either sitting down or lying down and 54% of those think they have an active lifestyle. We are getting more and more sedentary but believe we are active because we have busy lives, constantly checking our...
What tomatoes teach us about pain
Pain is clever. It learns. It is designed to protect us and is constantly analysing data to do so. Sometimes however it can do too good a job at protecting us and gives us unhelpful signals. So how does this happen and what do tomatoes have to do with it? As a child...
Sleep – The most important part of the day
On these hot muggy nights it can be difficult to get a good nights sleep. Sleep should account for about a third of our lives but many of us struggle to get a good nights rest. We've all heard the stories of certain people like Margaret Thatcher surviving on 4 hours...
10 super spine exercises
10 relatively simple exercises to keep your spine limber and strong. 1. Knee rolling Lying on your back and rolling your knees from side to side for 30-60 seconds helps oil up the hinges of the spine and keep you mobile. It should feel like a nice rhythmical...
Aches and pains that just won’t go away?
The clocks have gone back, spring has finally arrived and there should be at least another hours daylight for us to enjoy and longer summer evenings to come and this weekend promises to be an atypical sunny bank holiday. We all love a bit of sunshine and it generally...
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