Knock Knock Picture it. You’ve just sat down for the evening to relax after another long day. You’ve done all the right things. Had a solid 8 hours sleep, healthy food, regular hydration. You were super productive at work getting the grey matter going with a sense of...
The 5 Biggest Back Pain Myths
After 25 years as a physiotherapist I’ve seen the whole spectrum of back problems. One of the biggest problems however is a patients understanding or belief as to why they hurt their back in the first place. Anyone who has been following these blogs over the years...
Dealing with crisis and Tier 5
Before I go into this blog I just want to wish everyone a safe and Happy New Year and thank everyone who has supported Spinalphysio over the last year. Thank you for complying with our infection control policy, your patience when we have asked you numerous questions...
Do you know what your pain is trying to tell you?
Pain is there to guide us, to warn us, to make us pay attention so we can learn from the past and help us predict and prepare for the future but sometimes, many times, we don’t pay attention to the signs. Let’s take dehydration for example. The first sign of...
Buckets of wine
Here’s a question that’s bound to come up during a course of treatment. Why is it that sometimes I do something and it doesn’t hurt and I think I’m getting better and then I do the same thing again and it hurts. Have I re-injured myself? Am I getting worse? In very...
What tomatoes teach us about pain
Pain is clever. It learns. It is designed to protect us and is constantly analysing data to do so. Sometimes however it can do too good a job at protecting us and gives us unhelpful signals. So how does this happen and what do tomatoes have to do with it? As a child...
Aches and pains that just won’t go away?
The clocks have gone back, spring has finally arrived and there should be at least another hours daylight for us to enjoy and longer summer evenings to come and this weekend promises to be an atypical sunny bank holiday. We all love a bit of sunshine and it generally...
A thing or two about back pain
10,000 cases and counting I noticed just before new year that a new patient I was assessing was the ten thousandth case since the clinic moved to a computerised notes system in 2010. I looked back to case 1 and low and behold case 10,000 and case number 1 were both...
50:40:10 principle
The three facts of life that govern your health. Every day I get asked by a patient if their injury was as a result of something they did or was it a build up of problems. No matter what illness or injury you're dealing with there are 3 things that determine...
Here are some of the things patients have had to say about our clinic and are happy for us to share with you.