We are now into our 4th week of lockdown and everyone is coming to terms with the new normal. There are challenges but there are also many positives. The weather has been great so we’ve been able to get some much needed sunshine to boost Vitamin D levels and encourage us to get outside for our daily exercise.
Neighbourhoods are becoming tighter communities with Whats app groups to do the shopping for those less able to get out and offer a valuable sense of belonging to those living alone. Families are re-engaging across the country and the globe hosting mini-board meetings on conference apps and schools are taking the classroom to their students preparing them for the world that will become their future.
People are smiling and acknowledging each other when they see anyone out on their daily exercise, even though we are crossing the street or stepping into the unused roads to keep our social distance. The whole nation celebrates the efforts of all frontline staff helping the country work its way through this crisis with the Thursday evening applause.
This is how it’s likely to be for sometime yet.
Most of us have made solid progress through those jobs we’ve been meaning to get around to for months and months. However that job that you thought would take you 3 weeks to complete only took a long weekend and you’re starting to run out of things to get stuck into. The house was spotless in week 2 of lockdown but maybe you’re starting to get a bit lax. After all, nobodies coming around to visit!!
Now more than ever we need structure. We need purpose and we need to stay sharp. Many people are doing some regular exercise, a walk, a run, a cycle. Maybe youtube exercise classes or your “Monday Night Fit Club” has gone online and the neighbours are wondering what on earth you are doing shadow boxing in the dark. That’s great but you might also be more sedentary than normal so I’ve put a series of balance exercises together to help keep your reactions sharp while in lockdown.
There are varying degrees of difficulty so pick and choose carefully and try and work your way through the exercises in time. Pick 5 or 6 to work on at anyone time to form a little routine for yourself that should take 15-20 minutes. Try this 4 times a week or everyday if you can.
Don’t worry if you don’t have some of the equipment shown, there are plenty that don’t need anything at all or you can source these things online quite easily.
Check out our Spinalphysio balance exercises.
Enjoy and go steady.
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