We are being asked if it’s still ok to attend for appointments and what happens if you want advice but are self isolating.
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy have informed us that it is currently still ok to remain open and treat patients as normal while following appropriate infection control measures. While we can, we will remain open and assess and treat as appropriate. For those who can not attend in person we are offering online consultations through Skype or other platforms as requested (Zoom, Webex). These can be booked as normal through the website or by calling the clinic on 01223 350622.
We can all agree that these are unprecedented times and we will have to adjust to a different way of living for a while. It is important for us all to try and keep as active as possible not only for our musculoskeletal and cardiovascular health but our general wellbeing and mental health. In order to help with that we will be sending out some simple advice to our regular mailing list on how we can do that depending on the circumstances and restrictions we find ourselves in over the coming weeks.
We will keep the website updated if there is any change to the above.