Thank you for expressing an interest in the book. On the 12th of May, three years after first putting pen to paper, Pain: The ultimate mentor will finally be released in paperback, hardback and e-book. An audio book will follow in due course. I'm currently auditioning...
Pain: The Ultimate Mentor
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The purpose of pain
It's easy to see pain as a negative thing. A threat to your wellbeing, a sign that something is wrong. In pain, you feel vulnerable, fragile, fearful. But what is the purpose of pain. Is it really a bad thing? Consider for a moment what it would be like if you didn't...
The 5 Biggest Back Pain Myths
After 25 years as a physiotherapist I’ve seen the whole spectrum of back problems. One of the biggest problems however is a patients understanding or belief as to why they hurt their back in the first place. Anyone who has been following these blogs over the years...
Here are some of the things patients have had to say about our clinic and are happy for us to share with you.