After 25 years as a physiotherapist I’ve seen the whole spectrum of back problems. One of the biggest problems however is a patients understanding or belief as to why they hurt their back in the first place. Anyone who has been following these blogs over the years...
Modern life is painful and here’s why.
All too often I hear people try to separate pain out into physical or emotional pain. Worse still people with persistent pain sometimes wonder if they are imagining their pain, especially if they have had many failed treatments in the past and wonder if the pain is...
20 stretches for life
I regularly get asked "What are the best stretches?" Believe it or not there is no robust evidence that stretching prevents injury so why would we need to stretch at all? The common misconception is that muscles are like elastic bands and that they stretch....
Wherever we set the finish line is where we fatigue. A year into the COVID-19 pandemic and we are all feeling a bit fatigued, fed up and bored of the whole thing. Increasingly in clinic over the last few weeks the conversation of fatigue has popped up. Fatigue can be...
Mechanism of injury
How often have you woken up with a stiff neck or back and concluded that you must have slept wrong? It makes sense doesn't it. You went to bed fine and you woke up unable to turn your head. It must be down to how you slept. Well, most likely it's not the whole story....
Dealing with crisis and Tier 5
Before I go into this blog I just want to wish everyone a safe and Happy New Year and thank everyone who has supported Spinalphysio over the last year. Thank you for complying with our infection control policy, your patience when we have asked you numerous questions...
Do you know what your pain is trying to tell you?
Pain is there to guide us, to warn us, to make us pay attention so we can learn from the past and help us predict and prepare for the future but sometimes, many times, we don’t pay attention to the signs. Let’s take dehydration for example. The first sign of...
Lessons in lockdown – Pressure
Over the last few months it has become evident to me that many of us are starting to struggle with the effects of the current pandemic on our lifestyle and wellbeing. About now most of us would be taking a break. A change of scene can be good for the soul and allow us...
Lessons in lockdown
As certain restrictions are eased and we start anticipating what life might be like over the coming months we've had a chance to analyse the impact of lockdown on the injury profiles we've been dealing with throughout this period. Typically as a clinic we deal with...
Here are some of the things patients have had to say about our clinic and are happy for us to share with you.